We work every day to make the most sustainable choices for Coast to Coast, and make sure everything from sourcing, manufacturing, packaging and farming has the smallest impact possible.
Every decision we make in our business is a reflection of who we are and what kind of world we’d like to live in.
We are forever listening, learning, adapting and growing to find a better way to preserve the natural beauty of this world, while celebrating the natural beauty of the people that live here.
Our products are the sum of its parts - clean, honest and virtuous.
We search far and wide to find Australia’s most potent, active, skin-boosting plant and marine extracts, that are farmed without synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, insecticides, or herbicides, and keep our intervention to an absolute minimum.
From the growth, harvesting and processing of our raw ingredients, to the manufacturing and packaging of our products, we keep the environment in our thoughts.
That's why our packaging is eco-conscious, minimal and recyclable, and why we’ve chosen to work with a green manufacturing partner that’s virtually ‘off-the-grid’ in Australia’s first UDIA (Urban Develop Institute of Australia), 6 leaf energy rated commercial facility.
This prestigious rating means the manufacturer has met all six sustainability elements - ecosystem, waste, energy, materials, water and community. The facilities are powered by solar energy that reduces grid electricity consumption by up to 80 - 100%. Truly off tap, our manufacturer uses an innovative wastewater evaporation system and water quality retention method. The water goes through a filter and UV treatment process that retains its vital minerals and nutrients, with numerous water saving practices in place during the entire production process to ensure less waste